
We strongly advise that all dogs, cats and rabbits are vaccinated

We strongly advise that all dogs, cats and rabbits are vaccinated.   Please see the information below for our recommendations for each species.


We currently offer routine vaccinations against:  

  • Distemper 
  • Canine hepatitis (Adenovirus) 
  • Parvovirus 
  • Leptospirosis (L2 or L4) 

The primary vaccination course for these vaccines is usually started from 8 weeks of age, with a 2nd vaccination 2-4 weeks later depending on the leptospirosis vaccine chosen.  The puppy must be at least 10 weeks old to have the 2nd part of this vaccination.  We also recommend a third vaccination in black/tan breeds (Rottweillers/Dobermans) at 16 weeks old as these breeds have a higher risk of contracting Parvovirus.   

Booster vaccinations are required yearly for leptospirosis and every three years for the other component parts.  Ideally these boosters should be done as close to the anniversary date as possible.   

We also offer a vaccination against kennel cough which is an intranasal vaccination covering Bordatella bronchiseptica and Parainfluenza.  This can be given from 12 weeks old, and then requires yearly booster vaccinations.  We recommend it is given at least 3 weeks prior to the period of anticipated risk (e.g. kennelling) to get maximum protection for both vaccine agents.  The kennel cough vaccine is a live vaccination and so we recommend caution in households where there are severely immunocompromised individuals.  If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact our team.     

In addition, we offer the rabies vaccination which is required for travel.  Please speak to one of our vet team if you have any questions about the requirements for travelling with your pet.   


We currently offer routine vaccination against: 

  • Feline panleucopaenia (parvovirus) 
  • Calicivirus (cat flu) 
  • Feline Herpes Virus (cat flu) 
  • Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) 

The primary vaccination course for these vaccines is usually started from 9 weeks of age, with a 2nd vaccination 3-4 weeks later.  The kitten must be at least 12 weeks old to have the 2nd part of this vaccination.   

Booster Vaccinations are given yearly for calicivirus plus feline herpes virus, and every three years for the other component parts.  Ideally these boosters should be done as close to the anniversary date as possible.   

In addition, we offer the rabies vaccination which is required for travel.  Please speak to one of our vet team if you have any questions about the requirements for travelling with your pet.   


We currently offer routine vaccination against: 

  • Myxomatosis 
  • Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (2 strains) 

A single vaccination covering all three elements is usually given from 7 weeks old, and revaccination is required annually to maintain protection.    

Please note that we do offer vaccine titre testing for cats and dogs via our external labs, but we’d strongly recommend clients speaking with one of our vet team first to decide if this is the most appropriate route for you and your pet.